Friday 13 May 2011

Ventures ...

Song - Breaking Benjamins - So Cold

Today I was nearly late, I cycled from home, and then cycled back realising that I left my workpass at home, how daft am I? Anywho luckily I left real early anyhow due to having to go to the bank and still had time, I forgot there are no queues at half 10 because other folk are working, huzzah!!

And then I started pondering during my day, I need to get back to my geeky/nerdy phase, seems a tad mashed in the head if most of my knowledge was acquired in the first years of my life and then after that I kinda lost interest having seen some harsh realities in the world, which I should have kinda gotten over at that age, but it appeared I left myself behind in the illusion that I had grown when in reality I was still stalling.

So I pondered education, how much I need to learn more, people, how I need to start communicating to people again (although I did try a resolution this year of keeping in touch with folk so hopefully this one should be cool - hoping) and gaining wisdom through the lessons I have faced and the lessons that others teach me, be this from a book, a person or any other way that life chooses to teach me.

Are these goals we should see as individual ventures or something that is just seen as a collective path and done alongside one another, in order to achieve a better result for each choice made.

And now I’m lost for words and not thinking at all, so I’m about to switch off seeing as I’m a tad tired and need food in order to go hibernate for the night and be happy in sleep!

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