Wednesday 6 November 2013


Arjun - Take it Back

Okay well I dislike many things:

Smokers in bus queues - seriously get out. I don't want to passively smoke you selfish people, not saying all smokers are selfish, most of them stand to one side and smoke not disturbing me at all, it's the ones that stand behind me and so I leave my place on the queue, argh!

Collection 2000 gel eyeliner, love it, but man is it a pain to take off ... Oh well no pain no gain, all for the sake of being pretty in some folks eye, although if you forget to cover your under eye circles this won't look so great ... although I tend not too do it too much just to be presentable, else I freak out when I look in the mirror, I do still want to look like me after all ...

And because I'm hungry I'll finish for now ...

Tuesday 5 November 2013

THE CREW (Philippines) Gold Medalist /Adult @ 2012 World Championship

Monday 4 November 2013


Jabberwokees - Without You

Erm, let me see, I have no recollection of the last couple of faults, bar clearing the side of the house and moving a ton of building sand. As well as releasing why the sky dish isn't working ... although my fear of falling meant I got 2m next to the dish but grabbed the ladder as if my life depended on it ...

Hope everyone else is okay!