Friday 27 May 2011

Song - Metz and Trix - Dil Moulia

Okay well what to say, it's going to be a bank holiday weekend and it's gonna rain (no idea whether I did the whole blog about how great the rain is or not, so I'll just pretend I did). I've been told it's good I'm chatty and a geek/nerd, I felt kinda cool with that, although I'm well aware I'm leagues aware from even being a basic nerd.

ALthough I did go ooh and aah over a small plug (my fasination with electronics) should I not marvel at the tiny transformers nowadays which are just so small and efficient, just makes me ponder, we cannot even see nanotechnology, well me with my human sight, so technology is amazing and we're moving so fast, fair play slower then before, but we are still moving forward into a time where even though the machine that can rival the human brain hasn't been made, we are having to make huge strides to keep up with it.

But in the meantime I'll go back to question and listen to some legal specialist talking about some legal jargon.

Toodles folks and enjoy the rain!

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