Tuesday 31 May 2011

Song - Within Temptation - Frozen

Okay well no drama on the weekend, just went to town brought some multivitamins (yeah me - somehow getting others to take tablets that benefit, this means not 1 person but 2 other people take them also and then the supply dwindles pretty quickly ... lol) and then finished clearing and setting the back room to rights, probably have to sort through all my books now to say what is meant to be and what isn't.

Anyhow back to today, well my sister got mugged, just brought me up short I've always been a paranoid freak so I tend to avoid any place which looks even the slightest bit out of character. But do you wonder whether it was partly the victim's fault for being in the wrong place at the wrong time or just the criminal's fault.

Yes you should be safe anywhere you go on this Earth and I do not think anyone should be punished in any sort of fashion should they have done nothing wrong, however should someone walk down an alley known to be a bad place and think the same thing and be suprised when anything out of the ordinary happens, just reminds me of the whole Slut march, I totally agree no matter what situation you are in life, no one and I mean no-one deserves to be punished in any way shape or form. However the criminals themselves may be victims and so thus began the vicious cycle which led them to crime, or is this just me and my nice side. Apparently I can see the good in people, I don't think this is the case, as I view myself as a pessimist. However just because I see the world in a harsh light doesn't mean that I have the right to condemn anyone and thus I see them (or attempt to see them) as innocent until proven guilty, and even then they may have an excuse to be the way they are. Be this upbringing, education, social circles, etc. No 2 people are alike and so how can I determine or judge people in something I will never truly comprehend ...

Anyhow my sister wants to go to bed and hates this keyboard (I need to get a new desktop most likely) but for the while adieu people and have a wonderful evening, night, morning etc. basically whenever you read this.

Toodles fair folk o/

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