Tuesday 7 June 2011

Song - Breaking Benjamins - So Cold

Okay well more about Southall I got told, hmm, the place is like a trees with branches that are the little shops within shops, if that makes any snse and cos of the street merchants you smell the sweetcorn, mangoes, pakoras, samosas and various other delights and feel hungry and appreciate the desi aspect of your life, because it's not just an inherent part of my heritage but part of who I will be in the future also, be this for my own personal future or for friends, kids, etc.

I'm not really sure whether a moment-by-moment recollection was required, although you'd most likely find that boring.

Anyway I had fun today, I totally killed my bike, well the back tyre anyhow, the back got clipped by a motocyclist and so the wheel is now all bent, I have no idea what i'm gonna do with it, however that completely rules out trying for the race for life thing unless i go with crutches which would be hilarious although no upper body strength so might be a joy to watch, everything just bizarre.

It just making me not take for granted the stuff I usually do, like when I want a drink and I'm upstairs I usually just used to run for it, now I have to navigate my way downstairs and be tired by the time i get down (my lack of upper body strength being the key factor here) or relying on someone else, which I really hate to do, although at present that's what family is for so I guess I'm grateful for it more then ever, I now I could survive on my own, but having someone there just helps makes life just that little bit sweeter. Although it does help that I'm just wearing jeans everywhere or carrying a bag due to the crutches (as I might have some hairline fracture or something - doctor wasn't sure but no one else noticed it til he made a point of it, so I wasn't sure whether to worry or not)

But anyhow came home doing regular gentle exercises - ie just bending my knee (well trying) and raising it just to keep it mobile and not become stiff apparently, as there's gonna be quite some bruising and if it become stiff it won't help matters...

Anyhows that's my daily update I'm gonna catch up on some movie watching or something and I really should take those painkillers the pain is coming back. Take care of yourselves folks and never take anything for granted, we can always be in much worse situations and though we can only begin to imagine them we need to be aware and so know that we are truly blessed.

Toodles o/

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