Saturday 11 June 2011

Song - Alicia Dixon ft Jay Sean - Every little part of me (Culture Shock Remix)

Okay well seeing as the whole sprained possible hairline fracture thing I've been living it up, ie doing sod all, so didn't feel it was worth writing an entry seeing as I'm not really doing much with my life except for being called disabled by my ever loving sister.

Big thank you to all those folks who sent me messages/calls, etc on facebook, they totally cheered my days up, especially when folk did it from from work, thank you guys, I know I love being anti-social, but takes me not being able to walk to truly appreciate the few I've made ^_^.

Anyhow my theme for today, went to a talk a little while back which had Lauren Booth, and thought of something I heard whilst she was speaking aout her conversion to Islam, and totally agreed with it, not just for helping us in avoiding the wrong within any specific faith but for just helping us us people in anything we set out to do. Anyhow what she said was teh best piece of advice she had been given was: "Avoid the listers" and everyone should know what this carries, as I certainity know people who have done this thoughout my whole entire life, be it for my faith, clothing, education, career, you name it you can recall the folk. The ever wise who offer countless words of what they entail to be wisdom, or in consequence can cause you to ignore other folk purely because of the fact that all they can do is make you feel not worthy or that you have to work harder to please them.

And I'm sure every person has either ignored someone important or had some blow aginst them due to these people, who don't stop to ever look at themselves or even wonder at what consequences they may have. Sure if I can't sing I'm glad my mum told me to stick to studying, I'm not gonna disillusion myself and I know that even if I could sing I have an alternative route if not a capable mindset to help me look after myself should I ever achieve fame and fortune via singing (I cannot sing, I'm okay with belting along with lyrics in the car or what not however I have no dreams to ever have considered this :D). However a lister may have tried to tell me that I'm doing it wrong (and when a 5 year old is doing it just to sing along to teh bollywood tune it's kinda annoying) and not offering any constructive criticism it not only feeds negativity into any bond they may share but can hinder people's self esteem, and it makes me angry when I see folk do this to others. Seeing as what right do we as humans have to tell someone that they don't have something, and feel extremely sad for knowing that I have most likely been at fault as well, what right did I have to tell someone that. Many what if scenarios can arise, from which I can only hope that the people affected forgive me, I learn from the mistakes and also I can help others from not doing the same thing. For it is only united that we can help one another in becoming better societies, not just focussed on tackling crime and other things, but in bettering ourselves as people, allowing people to reach the heights that people can achieve and thus carrying ourselves into a brighter future as humans where the weakest are protected and not bullied into submission.

Toodles for now folks, I'm off to read, the only thing that's really available to me, which is a good thing in a way!

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