Wednesday 15 June 2011

Sami Yusuf – Salaam

The exciting life of Tamina continues, discovered today that the internet at home was busted and had some money taken from my account, fun right? So learnt a little bit more about internet banking and am blaming the wonderful person in my household who manage to chuck a virus on the machine in the first place, so now I’m gonna do a factory reset cos I cannot be bothered trying to fix a problem which by all means appears to be sorted, but obviously isn’t, this is another point in my life where I just admit I’m a computer dunce and now the only way I know how to fix the problem of Vista, is a factory reset, as Windows obviously doesn’t care anymore and has no idea why Essentials Live and Windows Explorer 9 doesn’t run on my machine, I’m sure if I asked any other questions I’d get the same response from their tech team, regardless of however many logs I create whenever the machine mucks up!

I wonder how much more I’ll take before I just give up on Windows and actually go for another OS, seeing as I already went to Firefox from IE

What’s funny is it took the fraud team to tell me why my account was locking out time and again whereas online banking folk were pretty dim, reminds me of myself in first line, I’m not that techy I’m just doing first line and know as much as the next person, at present it’s just a matter of remembering certain things and then flogging the rest of the stuff, I do need to go read up some stuff and go back to my geeky ways and made a headstart by starting to read books again, although not of the techy sort and more religious so maybe it’s a good or not so good thing, but peace of mind means the world more then technology in my supposed humble mind.

Hmm and now I’ve forgotten what I wished to say. Okay well back to something I’ve noticed, people repeating stuff, they say if you repeat stuff it kinda changes your way of thinking, hence why people like the number 3, as advertising folks use it 3 times, people who wiosh to make an impact in their speeches tend to repeat the important point(s) 3 times, you’re getting my drift here right? Well positive mantras are all well and good, however folk don’t appear to realised how much they spread the negative, is this just because they are repeating what another person is saying, is it harder to feel good and easier to complain as we live in a society which likes to blame folk all the time. For instance my rta thing, partly my fault, partly the other guy’s is it his fault that I had a push bike and him a motor, hence why I got damaged more. Although thankful that all I got was one diddy injury which is gonna be fixed in a month (my excuse to not do the race for life!). Hmm

Oh well life is life and maybe it’s easier to share the pain, or maybe we need to develop ourselves as people so we don’t feel the need to always share the bad points in life and help create a more positive vibe about us, to embrace each and every person whomever they may be.

Words finished, I should check what I write, however it’s better to just leave it be, would that represent my thought process or something?

Toodles fair folk (be you elves or not!)

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