Thursday, 16 June 2011

Chipmunk - Flying High

Okay well it's raining! Woot woot, well I'm happy although a tad hungry, so wasn't sure whether I should eat my sandwich or a nutri grain thing.

Dun dun dun, well I cannot decide so I might just wait a while, although my brother did say that whenever you get a craving you should eat, so I've been having a few Softmints although I should have a drink, lucozade!!!

Hunger sated for now, I was reading something the other day which said that we should eat enough to not be hungry, but not each too much that we are full. And then another saying that the stomach should be filled with 1/3 food, 1/3 drink and 1/3 air.

So gone half an hour, thought forget it and actually went and had my sandwich, so my lunch has been left free!! Woot woot!

Not really sure what to say for today haven't really had that many thoughts, I just ponder life in general conssting of teh same thoughts that go round and around in my mind for quite some time with no real resolution and mean more stuff to me then anyone else. And then I ponder this whole blogging experience thing which then means I could potentially be exposing my inner self to the world. Although as my sister so nicely put it, most of teh folk who read this probably won't know me anyway, seeing as when I occasionally check stats I do ponder at the folk in Denmark, Hngary, etc as I don't know people from either of those places, although thanks for reading my blog if you get this far.

Toodles for now :D

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