Thursday 11 July 2013


Sama Blake - Sniper

Okay well let's see, was watching an ad about a charity called solace, which helps Muslim women, well revert Muslim women that is there are enough helping the others I guess different mindsets and all that. But it did get me thinking, folk are always up in arms about Shariah Law and yet if the Muslims were doing right by the women then no Muslim woman would ever be in distress, they wouldn't have to work officially as the community should be looking after her. Maybe if the Muslims asking for Shariah Law actually started doing stuff which is already placed within the Shariah other folk would understand that it not all this bizarre prejudice that some idiot folk keep about cutting heads and women's inheritance (probably because they don't understand the fact that a woman's money doesn't have to be used towards household tasks ...)

Anyway I digress I found it to be a sad fate that the lady is essentially taken from her family as they reject her, then reject by the community who stated they would take her in. I cannot imagine what she went through as I have never experienced this, whatever happens I know my mum will be there for me and have my back, this does have the condition of me not doing something wrong, like saying killing a child or whatnot, my mum may be the strongest woman I know but she's also a just woman.

However I have seen this also happen in communities of Muslims as well as reverts. Ladies will be segregated from the community as a taint is then associated with the divorced woman, rather then pondering on whether she has enough to get by to feed herself and the kids the guy left behind and to support the lady who may be lost without her former friends or family. And then after the woman has struggled and holds her own place in the community she is again accepted to a degree and not one member of the Muslim community will be ashamed of the cowardly actions they took whilst for years the woman struggled alone with only help from non Muslims (although her children are not worth marrying - God knows they'll probably be demanding and divorce the spouse because all kids raised in divorced/single households don't understand the dynamics of a household ...).

I am not saying this is true for all Muslims, however a large majority of the loud folk who like to complain continuously are usually the folk who instigate these kind of actions whilst taking money they would call haram if others earned it in the same manner and generally making a bad impression of all Muslims across the board who have a basis of faith based on faith rather then upon some random bloodlines which are half made up because the caste system still runs rampant and somehow by lying about your caste will get you a better standing in the community, who wants to be part of such a community, or who even wants to raise children in this type of deception.

And yes I know I sound pretty ticked off today, I've got my infection to deal with luckily the emergency dentist knew exactly what was going on and gave me the strongest meds ever, makes it a tight squeeze getting to work on time in the morning due to me being passed out, but it's fun being able to actually sleep. My dentist finally saw me yesterday, I think sometimes not crying like a baby does not help my cause, my mum says I need to stress how much pain I'm feeling, the fact that I stated I only had 10 minutes sleep should indicate this, however who in today's world has common sense.

Doctors and dentists, now these folk you trust, they are the folk that see you at your weakness and they have taken oaths to protect this. Nope not for me, apparently being a nice and trusting person means I get suckered and they do whatever they want to make a buck in my mouth. Fun! And answering the question do you eat chocolate and cakes with a yes means I'm a chocoholic and spend my days ingesting just cakes and chocolate? Meh tbh I'm just sick of it I don't even know why I start to care, the kiddie dentists rocked, everyone after that sucked, I guess being a business rather then being health care holds more for folk nowadays and trying to be a decent person means you will be trampled upon ... oh well ... laters for now the fast is gonna break soon and I need to get stuff sorted or something

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