Friday 7 June 2013


Culture Shock - Fire

Okay well for those who know me, I haven't worn make up for the first 25 years of my life, when my mum thinks that I should try and become more attractive like other girls in order to attain the attention of a potential partner.

And thus I made a mission, learn about make up and stuff and thus see what happens, my mum was then shocked by the cost, so she soon understood why I had not bothered previously, not only does it take forever to get ready properly it's so expensive, especially if you get the stuff that works best with your skin and this will vary with the time of month as well as the weather and the season, and this is just one person! So many parameters and so many things, which come in different formats, be this primer, cream, powder, concealer etc.

Although I still have all that make up, so I tend to experiment with it now, although I don't bother much with skin stuff, at the end of the day a proper skin routine, ie clean and moisturise with a good diet will mean your skin for most people will be pretty much okay and to look perfect is pretty scary and takes over 30 minutes to achieve (as much of the time you have to between layers, etc)

But eyeshadows are pretty cool although using up all those cotton buds can be a tad annoying, although folk have started to notice my eyes more, and so in consequences my kashmiri heritage is more obvious, lol!

Anyway nothing more to say at present, toodles o/

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