Friday 1 July 2011

Lomaticc - How to Luv

Okay well my random natter today ... okay well the thing thta's right ticking me off is flirting, like seriously, if the person is not your other half or you don't intend it in that manner why do people do it, does it help their self esteem or something?

Although it can be amusing, one guy gave me is number (I tried saying no several times to no success, and anyone who knows me knows how lame me attempting to be firm is), anyway I got his number and then gave it to my brother to do what he wanted with it, seeing as you shouldn't be daft enough to give a number out to some random stranger, just because folk are nice to you, that's because they're just nice or trying to be.

But what programs people to be like this, looking at the way people are where they say they will chase their heart's desire, does this mean you can excuse folk for doing stuff like streaking across a field which could be seen as harmless or in a more extreme case stalking someone, all for their own heart's desire.

Every once in a while I realise how little I seem to relate to my heart, the only time I really let go would be my music, although is this even a bad thing (I got caught singing whilst walking to the bus stop, some biddy thought I was mad ...)

Hmm anyhows folk, teh weekend begins I need to do somethiong with my leg and hopefully the jack thing I ordered has come today so sound for the Wii, woot, woot!!

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