Sunday 10 November 2013

Nice ...

Justin Timberlake - TKO

Okay well I'm ranting because I need to get it off my chest, because orcs darn annoying. Sometimes I wish naively for the land of Lilliput, in order for my character to perhaps be acknowledged, anyway start the rant ...

Nice guys finish last, so do nice ladies, I used to mess around as a kid sure, but what have I ever done as an adult that warrants how society treats a "nice" person, it's more then a tad annoying that being nice automatically means folk tend to forget that you're human. Because being nice means you won't take offense in the same manner as a person who may not be as nice ...

I think forget that although patience is a virtue it is not limitless, and else a person will implode or explode figuratively, either way the spark that gives them direction will be the thing that dies, leaving humanity with one less light in the darkness ...


  1. I think a lot of people struggle with that. And it is not really feasible or even desirable to change yourself just so that you can be served earlier in a diner. But at the same time one should stand with what is right. So you speak up when somebody cuts in the queue. You speak up when somebody calls you something he/she has no right to call you.

    There is difference between being nice and being a doormat. A nice person may not get offended when somebody make a joke about them. A nice person may not complain if somebody's laugh is irritating to them. A doormat keeps quiet when somebody make a racial slur on them.

    Think where you stand. Define the limits of acceptable behavior in your head.
    And act accordingly. I know it is not easy.

    BTW just tell me if the feedback is not welcome. I know you have been using this space almost as a diary. And having the diary writing back may not be what you wanted.

  2. The entry was written as a backlash to an ultimatum I accidentally gave ... and sometimes one is unable to state things to some people. They are the people whom you are unable to lose and then one is disappointed when the choices given by others were not the ones required.

    And so one backs off, waiting for them to make their own mistakes and learn not from wisdom but their own foolishness or perhaps selflessness...

    It's a tad strange I tend not to read entries after writing them, it's just an output in order to help me organise my mind and let off some steam ... so sometimes it's a way to help me reflect on thoughts I've had in the past ...
