Song - City High - What would you do
Okay well update, hmm, well my leg or knee I should say. Went back to the hospital today where they went and did x rays again, this time doing my ankle as well, as teh lady wanted to know whether my fracture had spread or not., the ankle is fine and the knee hasn't got any worse, she said it may take upto a month to heal.
However as my tibia was okay I should be able to place weight on the leg, so very happy with that, seeing as I didn't want to be hobbling on crutches for too long, I do not like being dependant on sticks, however counting myself sooo lucky for having just a small fracture and that's apparently not too bad, so huzzah and I thank God, even if the doctor was so confused as to how I'd only manged to hurt a small part of the leg, although I think the fact that I've been treating it well should help matters ^_^
Anyhow back to random discussions I've been having with folk, I've concluded there are some very weird folk in the world today, I got called geek, just for being a little (and this means a tiny amount) more techy then another person, how does this make sense, although my sister concluded that it was true cos I don't answer questions with one word, or one sentence answers I start having full depth answers, an example being when i was talking about some visual impairments, i started discussing the retina and the cones and rods, etc, to which folk were like, erm, we don't care? maybe they should have said they don't care about the depth of the answer seeing as they asked the question in the first place.
also the next most discussed topic, marriage, i wonder if this topic will ever go away, however i guess when this occurs the next question would be kids and so the cycle continues. However why is this something that folk think they have a right to believe they know what's best for me and all that, what's even more amusing is when the people themselves are unmarried, i sometimes ponder whether i should say to them "and you know all this because?" people just amuse me in the way they just believe they know me purely because they've seen on side. I remember a teacher once said about me that I'm quiet until folk get to know me and then i cannot shut up, so if people are not yet at that level with me how can they expect to know me, however if i never tell them teh truth of this statement would they assume they know me purely because i haven't told them otherwise.
I recall I was speaking to someone who stated that they were unique and I pondered, no 2 people in this world are the same both inside and out, it's just a given that folks should know. However saying this, just because everyone is unique does that mean we are all teh same is the fact that we share uniqueness, or is the point even worth telling other people, seeing as if there is a sharing quality, surely it can be left unsaid rather then something that needs highlighting? Anyhow I've seen plenty of folk like this and I usually avoid them, as they just appear to be confused rather then anything, where they start mixing and matching what they think they believe ven if these are opposing things, althopugh they won't acknowledge they share both opinions they'll just class their opinion as a new one when it's just 2 separate ones which they believe to be one. Once confronted with this it appears the defensive stance is raised and the common "You don't understand" comes out. At times I used to ponder whether my mind was open or not and whether I actually understood folk, as I know I'm a very stubborn person on the best of days, this has nothing to do with faith and more to do with me just being a stubborn person (and my enlish lit teacher hated me for this seeing as I called romeo a womaniser and stuck to that opinion, probably meant why her teaching was crap for me seeing as she went and told my mum i was an idiot and it would be a lucky day if i got a "D", which i found hilarious as I was meant to be top set, go me for being monitored by teh exam folk throughout my childhood else that would have been my only bad grade. Anywho back to the open mindness I do ponder about this as although I'm open to whatever thoughts folk may have is this because I'm open or is it the whole "not in my back yard" mentality. I've had varying opinions (not even asked for but meh) about which one it is and so I leave the matter be as sometimes it can be by calling yourself something, you lose that quality you cliam to possess.
And if you got all that, huzzah, if not, erm, you'll need to ask if it's a typo or I'm just bad at explaining stuff, take care folk o/
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